10,000 unique collectible characters with proof of living on the Cardano blockchain. The project was inspired by the early cryptopunks & CryptoArt movement.
“Back in 2017 ARK company offered me cryptopunk instead of $400 USD for developing API & I refused & I still regret that day! ”
The AdaPunks are 336 x 336 pixel graphic arts images, generated algorithmically. Most of adapunks look like Bearded and guys with glasses but there are some rare punks too whose looks like pirate who covered their eyes with eyepads. Every adapunk has their own profile page that shows their style as well as their ownership/for-sale status.
The AdaPunks are one of the earliest examples of a “Non-Fungible Token” NFT on Cardano, and were inspiration for IPFS technology that powers most of the digital art and collectibles. We are also listed on CNFT.
We created 10,000 AdaPunks Characters which styles are categoried (punks style , Counts) as follows:
CNFT.IO is a marketplace for Cardano Non-Fungible Tokens, launched in July 2021 from a team decentralised across the world, we can officially say we are the first marketplace on Cardano. We are listed there any one can buy from CNFT & do resale On cnft
There will be two types of names for our 10K Cardano AdaPunks NFTs.
1. AdaPunks 2. AdaPunk
Naming is going to be random distribution & after all 10k Mints, we will release more information about our secret. It’s going to be more than 1000 ADA per 1 Cardano NFT in the future (NFA). Mint & keep it. But if you want you can put it up on cnft.io for resale we have already guys who made lots of resales.
Cardano is a proof-of-stake blockchain platform: the first to be founded on peer-reviewed research and developed through evidence-based methods. It combines pioneering technologies to provide unparalleled security and sustainability to decentralized applications, systems, and societies.
In addition to AdaPunks, we are working with nft marketplace on cardano better than cnft which is built on php & uses wallet verification which is less secure. We will develop marketplace via smart contract on cardano.
There are only 10,000 AdaPunks.
You can mint AdaPunk by sending 40 ADA to Address below.
After sending ADA according to price you will immediately receive adapunk.
There will be 5 selling tiers –
Tier 1 (Closed)
Tier 2 will be 3000 AdaPunks for the price of 40 ADA per NFT
Tier 3 will be 1000 AdaPunks for the price of 55 ADA per NFT
Tier 4 will be 2000 AdaPunks for the price of 65 ADA per NFT
Tier 5 will be 3000 AdaPunks for the price of 100 ADA per NFT
A total of 10K AdaPunks will be minted ever.
You can contact us at telegram & on twitter any time on issue.
We use royalty to promote & provide maintenance.